Sabtu, 20 November 2010


Religion is eight letters of word that never has been the subject of interests in my family discussion, it is not because we explicitly tried so hard to avoid it but somehow it wasn’t our main concern.

While the other parents were busy ordering their children to pray every day and ask them go to the mosque or church or temple etc (it depends of their religions). My mom was busy teaching us the reality of life and the life survived techniques (her famous 10 commandments) since she beliefs what important is to create the heaven on earth!

When I asked my mom why she never brings up the religion issues or ordering us to pray, my mom simply answered: “religion is something personal for everybody and because It’s so personal only you and god who knows it”.

I was unsatisfied with my mom answer and I asked her again: “How do I know what kind of religion that’s suitable for me?’’… My mom replied: “Don’t worry, God will shows you the way when you are ready”. Honestly that answer didn’t help either just gave me more confusion than the clarity.

For a while I forgot that issues and I didn’t bother to ask or find the answer since again it wasn’t my main concern, until my mom was turned 45 -- Out of the blue, she found gods in the comfort of Christianity but the nice thing was she never inquires or preaches us the words of Christianity and she keep it for herself, just likes she said “personal”. Then I realized I guess my mom was right all along!!!

Since I was a child, I always 100% beliefs the existence of the higher power out there that creates, assists, and protects mankind from any bad things happened even though at the moment I’m still trying to create the heaven on earth.

As for religion, I always think religion is like vehicle; their task is only assisting mankind to reach their destination in safe and comfortable way.

Some people like to use Mercedes Benz because their luxuries interior, so you can pamper yourself in the painless journey. Some people choose Volvo, because their safety reason. The others like to ride BMW because of their speeds limit, so you can reach your destination in a fast way. Again it’s about personal chooses.

Out of the vehicles that they offered in the market today, I preferred to use my two legs as my vehicle since God creates 2 legs in mankind as basic tool to reach their destination and while I'm walking; I give myself a time to engage and appreciated my surroundings. I also rely on my own strength, I become close with my inner-core, self beliefs!!! Unlike using a vehicle -- sometimes people is attend to more focus on the technology or benefit of vehicle offered and they forget the real function of the vehicle in the first place.

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